Popular ex-vice president Billy Ford died of heart failure this past weekend.
Breaking down the truth and adventures of what its really like to live in Panama City, Panama.
If you don't have a Panama drivers license:
-> Only drive on the main streets.
-> Only carry your country's drivers license and a copy of your passport.
-> Keep your MONEY seperate from your ID.
-> Do NOT SPEAK Spanish, even if you speak a little.
The cops will hassle you for a second, but then they'll let you go once they see your passport and they know you don't speak Spanish (very important).
I would tell you my story, but its too long to write here.
FYI, if you live here, getting your driver's license is a huge ordeal, but once you have it, its worth it!
My story:
-> Bought a $15 pre-paid phone with a sim card from Company "AAA".
-> Bought phone cards (with cell phone minutes) and use them on phone.
(one month later)
-> Got tired of texting and the limits of the above phone, so I bought a full keyboard Chinese (fancy Nokia imitation) cell phone and put in Company AAA's sim chip. This phone becomes my new pre-paid phone.
(after a while)
-> Decide that I want a Blackberry cell phone because many folks *NEVER* have minutes on their phone, but they communicate through free Blackberry instant messages.
-> Blackberry phones are $300 and up, so I refuse to buy one. Instead I consider signing up for a contract and getting the phone for free or around $40.
-> Company BBB comes to my job and offers cell phone plans. Their plans and prices seem high, so I pass.
(one month later)
-> Company BBB comes back to my job again. This time their prices have gone up even more. So I wait.
(some time later)
-> I lose my Chinese cell phone and now I'm back to the basic $15 phone.
-> Company AAA comes to my job and offers cell phone plans. Their plans seem okay so I give them my info and tell them I want a contract. The representive assures me that he will come back on Friday with the phones and contracts to sign.
-> He does not come back on Friday.
-> He does not come back Monday.
-> Even though he says he will, never comes back. After 2 weeks of calling and waiting I give up on him.