Sunday, August 14, 2011

Diablo Rojo

A "Diablo Rojo" here in Panama is an old school bus that has been decorated with elaborate paintings, murals and lights and is used for public transportation.

(the bottom picture was taken from my car)

The "Diablos Rojos" are all over the place and cost .25 cents to ride. Lots of local Panamanians ride the bus, however some people say they aren't safe. I've ridden on one before and it was fine, except for a woman who pulled a knife on me. Actually, she had a knife in a grocery bag full of stuff and it started poking out towards my leg.

The Rojos are not comfortable to ride because its quite common for the bus to be jam packed (sitting and standing). A female Panamanian friend said that if you are a woman, there is a good chance you'll get groped while you move through the sea of people.

These busses go all over the place, but you better know where its going before you get on. If not, you might end up some place you don't belong. My only real complaint about the Rojos, is about the drivers! They don't believe in defensive driving. They cut you off, pull out in the middle of the road, block traffic and practically do whatever they want!! This would not be a big deal if they were driving a car, but they are driving HUGE machines full of people without seatbelts. I can only imagine if one actually had a big accident. I do remember seeing a newspaper article and picture of a guy who was run over and killed by a Rojo.

Love them or hate them, they do serve a purpose.

A Reason to Love Soccer...Even If You Don't

One word..."Supermarket"!

I'm not a big soccer fan, but I do enjoy it when countries are playing each other. Here in Panama, it seems like each week there some new big game on. Today it was "Real Madrid" vs "FC Barcelona". These are two very popular teams, but since I'm into country vs. country, this game is no big deal to me so I went about my normal routine and went to the supermarket.

The place was empty!!!! I shop at "El Rey" and the place is usually hectic. Lots of people (rich well kept wives, kids running around with their mini shopping carts, old ladys, etc), no parking spaces and long lines are the norm here on a Sunday. Not today!

I now have a new reason to like soccer.