I've still got much to learn, but one thing I can say from my experience so far:
Getting a long specific answer to your question is not a guarantee.
My observation is the attitude from the folks I've spoke with so far is "I can't tell you everything. Some of it you're gonna have discover on your own".
Here in the US, I'm used to asking a specific question and getting a clear, precise, specific answer. Oh well, its time to expand my horizons and not expect everything to just be laid out for me in nice, pretty, clear package.
I'm beginning to find comfort in knowing that the answer is "there is no clear answer".
I forgot to warn you that Spanih is a circulinear language.. to answer a question a person will talk on and on, in huge circles to get to an answer.. and more than likey will never answer the question.. I've observed that it's their way of trying to prove they are intellegent.. Somehow it's assumed that if you talk in big sentences you are more intellegene... And no, your direct question will never get a direct answer 85 percent of the time, until you learn how to ask the right question... usually its starting with a vague idea.. asking your question than ending with a random idea that has no connection.. then and only then will they somehow in their ramble will they answer your question (asking the direct question is never the right way).. As Isay.. "en espanol ustedes hablan con muchos flores".... Viva espanol!!!.. ja ja ja