I learned the hard way that you can't assume anything works when you are deciding on an apt. When checking out an apt:
Check that the hot water works in the shower.
Check that the toilet flushes.
Check that the door locks correctly.
Check that the AC work.
Sit on the couches.
You get the idea.
Do this in the apt that you will actually be renting, not in a demo or "one thats just like it".
Recently found a temporary apt to rent until I decide where I want to really live. The place is nice, BUT too bad I didn't find out till 2am (when I was dead tired), that the shower water does NOT get hot. I REFUSED to take a cold shower at 2am. I'd rather go to bed funky, than be wide a wake at 2am.
Some other little things that need I found out after moving in:
1. The security door, doesn't lock correctly.
2. The shower water has very little pressure.
3. The bed feels like a trampoline.
Everything else seems to be cool though. The apt mgr says that someone will come on Monday and fix the door and water issues.
Panama is great, but I'm learning that you are taking a big risk if you assume anything. I'm gonna be like Sherlock Holmes when I look at any future apartments.
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