Shopping Malls - Calm, Chaos and Big Breasts
There are a bunch of malls in Panama. So far I've been to 4: Multi-Plaza, Multi-Centro, Los Pueblos and Allbrook.
Multi-Plaza is middle to high end mall, exactly like ones you'd find in the US. Zara is a great place to buy stylish men's clothing, however, stick to the sale items. My girlfriend noticed a store called "White Laundry" that had a naked mannequin hanging upside down in their window, not a big deal, but here some of the mannequins look very real.
Multi-Centro is more of a middle class mall. Its pretty calm and it has a variety of stores at prices cheaper than Multi-Plaza (in some cases). It has a "Conway","Aliss" and "La Onda" which are all "Target" type stores. We got a mattress from "La Onda".
Los Pueblos is the people's mall. Its a little chaotic, and FAR from fancey. Go there if you want very inexpensive household items or functional stuff where brand is not importaant. Here we picked up an iron, silverware, washcloths, glasses, cheap shorts, telephone, etc.
Allbrook is a HUGE mall that has everything. This mall is so big that if you walk past a store, there's a chance you might have trouble finding it later. This mall is crowded with people everywhere. Here you can find everything: high end stores to stores with great prices. Higher end stores are calm and mellow. The stores with the low prices can be pretty chaotic. There are people everywhere digging through the discount bins or sales racks (for the record, it was the weekend everyone got their bonus paychecks). We bought quite a few things at this mall from Zara, Titan, Mac Store and Oka Loka. Try out the stores with lots of people in them, they're probably the ones with better prices.
At Allbrook, your are gonna need time and patience. In one store for example, just to use their bathroom, we had to wait for 5 mins for an employee to escort us to it and unlock it (it was run down and had no soap by the way).
One interesting thing about the Allbrook (and some other malls here) is that some of the mannequins have really HUGE breasts. Even more interesting is that some of them have huge breasts that are in the wrong place! I saw numerous mannequins that had huge breasts, that were located almost on the mannequin's stomach.
To shop sounds like you have to have time.PEOPLE EVERYWHERE.
Not sure about return policies, but I'm sure it's similar to the US. You can bargain at furniture stores, but I doubt it at the clothing stores.