Blackberry cellphones seemed to be a BIG deal here. Lots of people have them...its almost like a status symbol. You can't go hardly anywhere in Panama without seeing someone on their Blackberry. Somehow, Blackberry dominates the high end cell phone market here. Most people have Blackberrys or a small, very basic prepaid phone. Almost NO one has an iPhone. When I left the US, iPhones were all over the place, but here you rarely see them.
You would think that Blackberrys would be cheap since they are sold everywhere. Nope, they run at least $200, but up to around $800. I believe you can get them cheaper if you sign up for a plan with one of cell phone companies (Moviestar, Digicel, Claro, Movil). I will just stick to my Chinese cell phone which is an exact copy of the Nokia E71.
blackberrys rock! =)