I'm in the kitchen today and I notice a bunch of rice on the counter near my empty container of protein powder. I thought that was kinda of odd, so I take a closer look and notice that THE RICE IS MOVING!!!! Turns out that that wasn't rice...it was maggots!!!! Not Cool!!!!
After more investigation, I remember that 3 days back, I used that container to hold some extra oil that I poured out while cooking. Apparently, I didn't close the lid all the way, flies came in and laid some eggs and BOOM...maggots! Again NOT COOL!!!
Lesson learned: Its easy for flies to get in your house through and open window. In panama, lots of building have windows that do NOT have screens. So, do not leave any food out, or any food uncovered. Also, do not leave dirty dishes in the sink! If you do, get ready for some "rice that moves!".
not tight not tight